NY Voice Center | Testimonials for the NY Otolaryngology Group

“As an actor, my voice is my main instrument. Thanks to the voice exercises that Christie of the NY Voice Center taught me, I am able to work through even challenging gigs to keep my voice strong. When I hear or feel my voice getting stressed out, I find myself using these new strategies to bring my voice back to its normal quality.”

Kathleen Kelly
Actor, New York

“It was delightful working with Christie to improve the quality of my voice. As a teacher, I especially appreciated her exercises and advice that helped me speak more clearly and with less fatigue.”

Irene Gilman
Teacher at Fordham University, New York

“Thank you Christie, Dr. Gold…for helping me with my voice and swallowing problems. Therapy actually changed my life. Christie helped me rediscover my voice and significantly unblock my swallowing. She has given me the tools of self-empowerment and the confidence to use them.”

Elaine Waldman
Psychotherapist, New York

“When I was referred to speech therapy to treat my voice problem, I was skeptical it would help. I am skeptical no more. Through the high standard of care practiced by the New York (Voice) Center and the dedication of my speech therapist, I learned invaluable skills in ‘finding my voice’ and protecting my vocal cords. Thanks to the New York (Voice) Center I have returned to work full-time. I could not recommend their group more highly.”

Joyce Edwards
Business Research Specialist, New York