Vertigo Symptoms, Causes, and Balance Disorders

In addition to converting sound waves into brain waves for hearing, the ear also contains the structures that communicate with the brain to maintain balance. As a result, disorders of the ear can impact one’s sense of equilibrium, with or without impacting their hearing as well. The equilibrium issues create problems with balance and Vertigo symptoms.

Balance Disorders

Balance disorders can be particularly difficult to diagnose. Only a dedicated specialist who has experience with these conditions can find unique treatments for people suffering from vertigo and imbalance.

Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo is the sensation or illusion of movement caused by a disturbance to one’s equilibrium. To many, it feels that they or their immediate environment are spinning, even though no such movement exists. Patients commonly describe accompanying feelings of lightheadedness, faintness, and general unsteadiness. Vertigo can be extremely disorienting and debilitating. With treatment and therapy, however, most patients can overcome it.

What Causes Vertigo?

Vertigo is a common symptom of many inner ear disorders; it is not a disease in and of itself.