Hearing & Balance Center Archives - Page 2 of 3 - The New York Otolaryngology Group

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

hearing loss caused by damage or disease in the inner ear Read more…

Semicircular Canals

the body’s balance organs, they detect the body’s movement and communicate its position to the brain Read more…

Outer Ear

the part of the ear that captures sound; it is composed of the visible parts of the ear and the canal leading to the eardrum Read more…


a linkage of three tiny bones – the malleus, incus and stapes, also known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup; they provide the mechanical coupling between the eardrum and the cochlea Read more…

Middle Ear

the air-containing cavity of the ear; lying between the eardrum and the inner ear, it includes the eardrum and the ossicles, which are the three tiny bones called malleus, incus and stapes Read more…


the hammer shaped bone; outermost of the ossicles, the three tiny bones that connect the eardrum and inner ear Read more…


the section of the skull located behind the outer ear that houses the middle and inner ears Read more…

Inner Ear

part of the ear that contains the cochlea, an organ of hearing, and the labyrinth, an organ of balance Read more…


the anvil shaped bone; middle bone of the ossicular chain (the three tiny bones that connect the eardrum and the inner ear) Read more…

Eustachian Tube

a tube that extends from the middle ear to the roof of the throat; it keeps the air pressure in the middle ear consistent with the air pressure in the immediate environment Read more…